2008年9月25日 星期四










董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司有权,有权又怎样? 大系

5 則留言:

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Unknown 提到...

Allow me to write english, if you not happy, just delete it! By the way, I was studied at Chinese Independent School in Johor when I was secondary school. So, I do concern the development of Chinese education.

I feel upset the board of director "sack" Mr.Koh. When you want to get rid some one, you find all the excuse and neglect his contribution. In real world, 孔孟思想教育 just the guideline and good "weapon" to attack someone whom not follow it. We need someone doing practical job. Feedback from the Mr. Koh colleages are very important, if he is not good enough, how could 20 executive willing to expose their name to support his stay put? this is the good chance for them to get him out if he is really so mean. They are taking risk to being mark by board of director. Whether in school or busienss organization, we talk about team work and objective to achieve. Obviously, he made it. Start from hundred over student to thousand seven, from deficit to surplus fund. He should be a good leader in the team. No one can deny his contribution. No one is perfect when running the school/companies, somehow doing some trick and being get caught or mark. I think he is not "yes" man, which may against the board of director's will. I really wish the board of director would change their mind. If not, I would spread around and ask all my peer to stop donate money to chinese school. There is issue on叶新田博士 doctorate title. That really make him lost his credibility, find no excuse! We all know the advantage of carry such title, he is concern the "fame". Overall this is power fighting game, Dr. Koh being knock down.

李书祯 Lee Shok Jing, Jean 提到...


李书祯 Lee Shok Jing, Jean 提到...

谢谢你的分享,我正有同感。我是新纪元学院的前职员,我完全了解DR Kua 曾经付出的,学院没有车,我出差都曾经用他的kancil;98年风暴,董总和新院因财政问题,只有书记,庶务员得到加薪,主任得到500大元车资津贴,我们行政助理没有。Dr Kua 叫我到他的办公室,他叫我把他的500大元分给3个行政助理,我们领受他的好意,但是,没有接受他的献意。
Dr Kua要是就此被推下台,我也同样响应你,不会捐钱,也不再为华教做服务。

琦哥与宝珠 提到...
